taare zameen par

A tapestry woven from the threads of life’s encounters



This is the language of the soul,

unfettered by form or convention.

It flows from the heart's pure spring,

an unadulterated confession,

whispered softly to my own being,

and now,

shared with you as well.


A chance capture by an amateur's lens,

where often,

the frame embraced my essence,

and at times,

the camera beheld the very spirit of others—

be it an object or the world itself.


In choices of both 'X' and 'Y', the essence lies in my expressions. As I've shared before, they might not conform to convention, they might not resonate universally, nor hold immense power. Yet, they are the chronicles of my life, my actions, my journey, unapologetically untouched by editing.

Journey Inward: Unveiling the Unspoken

Sharing my soul with others proves an arduous climb, a labyrinth of words I struggle to navigate. Yet, when I turn the lens inward, baring my essence, the journey flows as effortlessly as a familiar melody. Here, in the archives of my thoughts, I inscribe my emotions, capture the fleeting moments of life's poetry, or simply release them into the universe. This collection, a mosaic of the unspoken, whispers the tales of a mind that's often misunderstood.